The latest snag in our building process concerns the grease trap.  Until this week I have never heard of a grease trap.  The Bedford Cheese Shop didn’t have one.  I don’t think.  No one ever talked about having to clean one or check on one or fixing one so we must not have had one because everything else broke at least once.  

In any case, our architect included one in our plans because he knows about these things.  On Tuesday I got a call from Amy who is reviewing our plans at the County Office of Environmental Health about item P-10, the grease trap.  She informed me that we needed to alert Mr. Talbot Bone that we planned to install a grease trap in our store because he will know which type we need to get.  Mr. Bone works for the Easton’s public wastewater facility and so our waste will be passing through his system.  This morning I learned that Mr. Bone also does consulting with the Town Building Inspector and he is the final authority on whether or not our grease trap is approved.  

Phew, okay, so what I needed to find out was what he was looking for but because I don’t know anything about grease traps, this was confusing.  He told me “20 minute retention time” and “baffles” but those specifications kind of went in one ear and out the other.  He told me to ask my plumber but I don’t know who my plumber is.  My restaurant equipment dealer, Sandy Wyatt came to the rescue.  She pulled up a GRD, that’s a grease recovery device, and this morning, after figuring out that Amy isn’t the one who gives the ultimate thumbs up, I sent the specs over to Talbot who said: